Papers presented will be part of the published symposium proceedings with an accompanying abstract and images. Papers cannot be previously published.


  • Manuscript: 3,000-4,000-word including abstract and endnotes,
  • Abstract: 250-300-word abstract describing the paper,
  • Images: Up to 5 images (low resolution) embedded into the manuscript,
  • Format: Papers must be sent in MS Word format up to 10 MB in size,
  • Blind Peer Review: Omit all author names or institution identifiers for anonymity,
  • Contact Details: Provide full name, university, department, and title of the corresponding author,
  • Authors: Provide a list of author(s) as they are to appear in the publication,
  • Language: Papers must be written with U.S. spelling,
  • Submission Deadline: November 21, 2022.